Saturday, 9 March 2013

Question of the day...

Is Liverpool an urban heat island?

Investigating some variables such as temperature, pollution and albedo (definitely albedo) effect today! Themometer, camera and brain at the ready :)

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Tallest Building in the EU (If we stay that is...)

The Shard Building (View from the London Eye)

The Natural History Museum

A little sad I did not get to see the dinosours however never fear, one step into the red zone of the museum and you will be welcomed to the fantastic world of Earth Science!

Kobe Supermarket! I have always wanted to visit Kobe!
Dream to be in an earthquake partially came true :)

Destruction in the earthquake from the 6.8 (Mw) earthquake!

GIS and layers! Unit 4A geog knowledge :D

Probably the greatest room I have ever been in. Mind blowing!

Plate tectonics globe - easily made with papier-mache perhaps!

The Ultimate Ring of Fire

Victims of Pompeii (Props)

Victims of Pompeii (Taken at Pompeii 4 years ago)

Maybe one day I could work for the BGS :)


I advise anyone and everyone to get down to London. It is a central hub of all things amazing, and most definitely lives up to its name as a World City! London has so many fantastic things to offer with so much geographical awesomeness hidden around every corner (and perhaps a TARDIS here and there).